Somewhere Outside Munich


I somehow only took two pictures in Munich, and this was the slightly better one…

My whole body aches. My neck, in particular, is sore from resting my head on the car window. And then… then I remember that I’m in Germany. I’m in Germany, traveling with some of my favorite people. The excitement wakes me up, and my exhaustion wanes slightly.

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5 Things I’ve Been Doing Instead of Blogging

I’ve been gone for some time, and to be honest, I’ve really missed all of you! I feel somewhat guilty for just falling off the grid with no explanation…

So now I’m gonna do that thing bloggers do from time to time, when they feel they have horribly failed their audience. Every bad apology has a few lame excuses. Here are mine:

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And there it was…

And there it was: exacting and persistent, unforgiving and conspicuous as ever. It neither cares for my schedule or my need for sleep.

There it was… that deep, familiar longing to write.

I’m afraid that wherever I go, words will always follow. They pester and annoy me until with not a few heavy sighs, I walk over to my desk and commit them to paper. Or well, you know, the fathomless depths of the internet, otherwise known as this blog.


Clearly, binge-watching Downton Abbey has taken a toll on my writing voice.

Here’s to my favorite character, Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham, who has all the best lines in the show:

Violet: “I’m so looking forward to seeing your mother again. When I’m with her, I’m reminded of the virtues of the English.

Matthew: “But isn’t she American?

Violet: “Exactly.

— Violet, speaking to Cora and Matthew about Martha Levinson.

One Year of Blogging


In there, his silent words lived and breathed as stories. They could think and seek and grow and give off heat.

~Haruki Murakami The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Over the eucalyptus and behind the moon, the stars like silver pomegranates glimmered before an infinity of darkness. No wonder the angels had picked a place like this to exist.

~Helena Maria Viramontes Under the Feet of Jesus


Today, Make the Welkin Dance turns one!

Unfortunately, Denny’s only gives a free birthday grand slam breakfast to living, breathing human beings with I.D. cards. Sigh… 

But at least I have all of you to celebrate with! (And now you have a viable excuse for eating ice cream cake today! Woo-hoo!)

One year of blogging might not sound like much, but I think it’s important to celebrate the little victories in life. When I started this blog a year ago, I didn’t realize how much I would experiment with form, humor, storytelling, and playing off authors I’m currently reading. And I’m excited to continue doing so! Ain’t that great.

For me, the joy of writing is never complete without an audience. My words can only come alive in your mind’s eye (that is, until I write a book and Hollywood knocks on my door). I hope this blog has been a delight to you as much as it has been for me. Thank you for reading and commenting on my posts! It seriously means so much to me! (so don’t stop.)

Today, I’m re-posting my very first blog post. Last year, I spent a lot of time fussing over what to name this blog. I’m glad I’m still a fan of what I chose, and I hope you are too after reading the story behind it.

But first… a little toast…

Here’s to recalling late night adventures in Buenos Aires (I Can Still Hear Them Chanting).

Here’s to using my embarrassingly extensive knowledge of romantic comedies (A Guide to Love for Single Women: RomCom Edition) and playing around with newly coined words (Sonder).

Here’s to making sense of who I am (Born in the US. Made in Mexico.) and spotlighting those little moments that make life beautiful (The Woman with the Piercing Blue Eyes).

Here’s to thinking deeply and laughing often. 

Here’s to making the welkin dance. 

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Dear Person Who Just Unfriended Me On Facebook

Hello ex-friend.

I’d like to congratulate you. Your passive-aggressive way of ending our friendship took some real guts.

Well, well, well. You thought I’d never find out what you did, huh? You didn’t count on me having that “Who Deleted Me” app on my Chrome browser, didja? Well, I do, so joke’s on you. I know EXACTLY what you did. You unfriended me on Facebook, and I’m never gonna forget it. 

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The Dangers of Starting a Blog

Love the giver more than the gift. –Brigham Young

Happy Birthday!!! -The last words I heard before everyone went crazy. 


For a long time, I put off starting a blog because I was paranoid. I feared that one day my little personal blog might get me fired from a job or some stalker would like me a bit too much and kill me in my sleep. Even today, I’m weary of writing about topics I deem “too personal” or publishing posts that might come back to haunt me.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t careful enough. I didn’t adequately analyze all the risks, nor foresee all the possible consequences of starting a blog. Fellow bloggers (and people on the fence about starting a blog), take note. 

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